Lisa Blunt Rochester
(1962- )
115th Congress-Present (2017-Present)
Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester has represented Delaware in Congress since 2017 (115th Congress-Present). She currently serves as an assistant whip for House leadership. Rochester sits on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, where she is the only former statewide health official serving on the committee. She previously served on the House Committee on Agriculture. In that role, she helped craft the 2018 Farm Bill, a five-year re-authorization that extended U.S. Department of Agriculture programs related to the farm safety net; nutrition programs that feed children, seniors, people with disabilities, and families who rely on the social support programs; land-grant and 1890 universities; and agriculture research. Before her congressional tenure, Rochester’s served in the cabinets of two Delaware governors, as CEO of the Metropolitan Wilmington Urban League, and senior executive leadership and systems manager for the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Rochester is a graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson University with a degree in International Relations and earned a master’s degree in Urban Affairs and Public Policy from the University of Delaware.